Sore feet...

Home, Winchester.
1st May 2017

Oscar has recently been complaining of pain in his foot. Generally first thing in the morning when he starts walking as he gets out of bed and when he i collect him from school. He has slowed right down with his walking speed and doesn't like walking at a normal speed and im noticing a slight curve in his foot again. I assumed it might be his shoes and went along to Clarks to have his feet measured again. His feet had grown and so has Oscar! Another growth spurt, well his left unaffected foot now almost 11 and half but his clubfoot is still only 10 and a half. This is the first time his feet have been almost a shoe size different. New shoes unfortunately didn't help he is still having discomfort. He also has a bump / swelling on the top of his foot under the skin below one of his scares, not painful or red. I have now booked an appointment with Chelsea and Westminster to have a check up sooner than the planned one at the beginning of June to try and get to the bottom of the pain and look at the bump.


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